PD Summer Getaway 2018

Always Ascending!

August 15th-18th 2018

We the north. The PDT headed up to the majestic islands of Lake Temagami spread out nicely in a secluded corner of the Candian Shield. The team stuck to a strict code of conduct while there. Safety was a high priority, so we dove in head first. This was our third annual Summer Getaway, and we all loved it.

Video highlights:

Spotted: Cool shirts

The PDT enjoyed the four day, three night, excursion. It was filled with laughter and dancing, eating and sleeping, along with some serious contemplation and life affirming experiences. The food had us drooling, the drinks had us buzzin’ and the water activities were totally refreshing. With so much to do it is a marvel that we found the time to bond together.

Itinerary included:

    • Chilling
    • Meditation
    • Exercise
    • Partying
    • Bongs and Tokes
    • Drinks and Chugging
    • Floating and Boating
    • Fishing
    • Reading
    • Games (Blockus, Manhunt, Mario Kart, etc.)
    • Shenanigans
    • Mirror selfies
    • Sunsets

Emotions ran high towards the end of the trip when we got tasked with some emergency client work. Thanks to the wonders of mobile internet, our quick thinking staff was able to wrap up the important work swiftly and get back to the waterside. The Seahawk served us well this voyage and no patch kit was required.

Feel no fear

We put our ladder down, planted our roots, and had an amazing time overall. For a few days we went back to nature, and found each other. Now, we are more connected than ever. Always ready for the next getaway.

Enjoy the gallery of images from the trip:

***Big shout out to the Prince Family for hosting us on an epic adventure that we will always remember. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for ensuring that any nearby forest fires were properly extinguished prior to our arrival. Plus a special thanks to the PDT and our wonderful clients for making this trip a reality.***

Written by Daniel Libby, Featured image by Gus Quintini
Photography by Kal Sayid, Lannie Le, Daniel Libby, Trevor Landon, Sar Eskandarpour, Lily Le, Gus Quintini
Video by MC2 Music Media

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