TGIF Breakfasts by Captain Kal!

Have you been invited to a Friday Breakfast? Here’s all you need to know, written by none other than Captain Kal, of the starship Pixel Dreams:


Do I need to stay for an hour?
No. You can come early and leave late. Or if you’re in a rush, down the hatch and get the fuck out! No judgment here. Guilt is an ugly thing. Your guilt is yours to keep.

What if I have dietary restrictions?
You’re a loser then. No, just kidding. Please email/text me and I will 100% accommodate. It will be no trouble at all.

Can I come late?
No. You can come early. Leave early. Please do your best to arrive no later than 8:10. Prepping, cooking, and most importantly, cleaning takes time. I do have a business to run outside of this, and coming late will make it difficult for me to wrap up.

Can I bring someone?
Possibly. Please check in with me ahead of time. Surprises are typically okay, but not in this case as I’ll need to meal prep.

Can I make recommendations?
What kind of a DJ would take recommendations? A shitty one. I’ll consider anything, but no promises.

Is there parking nearby?
There is parking on P1 and P2 of the building.

Can I bring anything?
Great conversations. Happy Vibes.

Why are you doing this?
I love making breakfast. I love hosting. And I love my guests. We all need to eat. I’d think you’re crazy not to come grab some free, delicious food!

Will you be using this for your social media?
Like butter on toast. Get it? It’s a breakfast joke. But yeah.

Is the food delicious?
Am I a Donald supporter? Of course!

Will there be drugs?
Am I a Hillary supporter? Of course!

What else should I know?
Your purpose for being. But really, that’s none of my business.


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