PDT Field Trip: AndroidTO 2016

Written by: Anne Gorgy
Featured image by: Mark Galura
Conference Photos from: AndroidTO 2016

Event of the Year

This year’s AndroidTO conference brought together a dynamic and excited community of developers, designers, entrepreneurs and techies. It was an event full of shared experiences, ideas, the latest technologies and the most innovative devices.

As a first timer, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was impressed by the selection of keynote speakers and topics of the day. It was the perfect combination of software hacks, design insights, technology integration, and product releases.


Conference Highlights

As soon as I stepped into MaRS Discovery District, I was filled with pride seeing the amazing AndroidTO posters and tshirts designed by our very own Quest-Mark Galura.

The conference hall was full of products and experiences to check out. From connected cars, 360 immersive office tours, to holographic dj consoles, there were enough toys in there to keep attendees busy for days.

Aside from the cool devices, the conference also offered several workshops and hands on coding and programming experiences. These workshop highlights were getting familiar with TensorFlow and activity transitions on Android.

Moving Forward

According to the various talk and topics at AndroidTo, there are key concepts to think about and integrate before starting any new Android project:

  • Examine the complex environments our customers interact with and how it affects their engagement with apps
  • Consider how we can leverage animations to offer easy onboarding and usability in order to eliminate unnecessary tutorials
  • We must put ourselves in our users’ shoes, understand their concerns, and curate enjoyable experiences accordingly

In a fast changing environment, businesses and startups should constantly be looking into new way to integrate machine learning into their mobile apps and websites. These technologies open up new possibilities into predictive solutions and analytics, and offer seamless experiences for both businesses and users.

Throughout the conference, it was evidently clear that coding, is the new global language taking over the world. Regardless of your profession or company role, learning to code has become a critically important aspect of our day-to-day as it offers limitless possibilities to communicate, create, and solve problems.

Lasting Connections

Finally, it was time for the after-party. Though I was sad to see the conference end, it was time to indulge in some drinks and snacks. As per the theme of the conference, after-party goers enjoyed great conversations in what’s to be expected in the years to come.

Thank you AndroidTO for inspiring everyone. Thank you for inspiring new connections, friendships, novel ideas and solutions. See you next year!

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