Summer, O’ Summer
It’s that time of the year. The days are getting shorter and summer is giving way to the chills of autumn. Gone are the warm summer days and nights. It’s time to prepare for the brutal winter ahead and get the kiddies ready for school. With that, no longer will we have hangouts on the PD balcony but will, instead, be cuddled in the living room with our preferred poison at hand.
Yes, we are sad at seeing our summer vanish into the kaleidoscope of fall trees but we wouldn’t be PD if we didn’t make it a cause for celebration. Cue the PD Back to School Party.
Both a goodbye to summer vibes and to some of PD’s most special juniors heading back to the trenches of school, this party would be one for the books. Truly.
A feast fit for a Kingdom
It’s Friday evening. The rest of the city is getting ready for what will be a typical Friday night. Some are fighting the urge to take that post-gym mirror selfie, others are getting that perfect outfit ready for their adventures. Everything is going plan.
At PD, things are a little different. A little more alive, if you will. As the sun starts its descent into the crack of our hemisphere, our very own Lannie has the kitchen in a state of deliciously wonderful chaos. With appetizers and snacks up the wazoo – no one left without indulging in a little taste of what us lucky PDers experience every lunch hour.
Follow the lights
You could see it from a distance. Those sparkling lights shining from the balcony at PD HQ – their warm glow welcoming party attendees as they walk towards a party to remember (or forget). As credited by our very own Liberator, Infinity was responsible for the party’s environment as the architect of the PD Balcony Renovations Project.
But the dazzlement isn’t restricted to the balcony. Made to turn the inside of HQ into a spaceship, guests are greeted by a crazy light show all night long.
Memories were made with old friends and new. What started as a kickoff for the back to school season turned into a festival of shared stories and experiences with the community PD has built for itself throughout the years. Guests danced, smoked and vibed together as we said our goodbyes to our fleeting summer.
Of course, when you want to get a real idea of how a party was, you don’t ask the biased host, you ask the guests! Well, we think this video and testimony sums up what every person felt when the night’s festivities were done.